School is starting soon or has started already for many colleges and universities. There are so many great resources nowadays for the student that are either free or next to free to assist them in their studies. Whether it’s getting organized, working with fellow students or a free word processor, there’s never been a better...
Dropbox Makes Sharing Files Easy
Transferring files from home to work and back can be a huge pain. In the past you may have used floppy disks for transferring files back and forth. Then there were ZIP disks. Most recently flash memory USB thumb drives are the thing to move your files from computer to computer. Now there’s something easier....
Try Google Plus
If you’re interested in trying out Google+ but haven’t been invited yet, fear not. Use the link below to get in the new Google social network “field trial“. And when you’re on there, add me to one of your Circles.
Free Anti-Virus for Windows
For some unknown reason, my virus protection on at least two computers failed/crashed and refused to start again. On these two computers I was using avast! Antivirus Free. The last time that I checked on it, it was version 5 of the software. The change to a new engine, the latest is version 6, may...
VUDU: The Other Streaming Movie Rental Service
I was reminded of the VUDU service today. VUDU is a streaming service that lets you rent or buy movies and TV shows and streams them to you. They started out life as a dedicated box you would purchase that had a portion of the movies on their service cached on the internal hard drive. ...
Success Story: Swift Freight Router Upgrade
Recently I was contacted by the owner of Swift Freight, a multi-national corporation that ships products for it’s customer all around the world. With the rising cost of phone services eating into the bottom line, they decided to install IP phones in three locations. They purchased and signed up with and purchased phones and...
Netflix Alternatives
As you read here, or on some other source, Netflix is raising their prices for the streaming and DVD combo service. They are raising it from $9.99 per month to $15.98. From the sound of their blog post on the subject, they are pretty resolute on this change. As always, our members can easily choose...
Netflix Raising Prices 60% in September
Or, if you go back in time to the point that Netflix added streaming to the service ($7.99 then) they are effectively doubling the price for streaming and one DVD at a time. Amazon Prime, and their one price for Prime shipping services and streaming, is starting to look more interesting. Prime is $79 per...
Audible Bucks the Trend
“And the hits just keep on coming” is what I thought I would be saying when I received an email from Audible. As you may or may not know, Audible was purchased by Amazon. When I saw the words “Audible” and “affiliates” in the same email, I thought that was the next affiliate program to...
Keeping Monetization in Your Hands
I read an interesting article today. And by interesting, I mean terrifying, especially if you use Google Adsense in an attempt to monetize your podcast/blog. They article can be found at Duck Works Magazine. It’s the story of a cameraman/boat enthusiast that produced content and put it on YouTube. He was making a good bit...