Virtual Podcast Seminar eBook For almost 5 years I’ve been blogging about podcasting. One of the series of posts that I did in the past was something I called the Podcast Seminar. It was a virtual podcast seminar that would show the beginning to intermediate podcast the basics of podcasting. The posts have been very...
Podcast Seminar: Spreading the Word Through Social Networks
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we cover the topic of Spreading the word through Social Networks. First off, what is a social network? Here’s a good definition from Wikipedia, “communities of people who share interests and activities or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.” (You might...
Podcast Seminar: Monetizing Your Podcast
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we discuss a popular topic, monetizing your podcast. If you talk to 10 different podcasters and ask them how to monetize your podcast, you’ll get 10 different answers. A few of the popular models that I’ll discuss in this post are donations, “premium” subscription, promoting products,...
Podcast Seminar: Podcast Metrics
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we cover the topic of Podcast Metrics. A metric is a standard unit of measure or a way of quantitatively measuring or assessing a process, event or institution. That’s the definition at least. When it comes to your podcast and the website/blog that is supporting your...
Podcast Seminar: Show notes, keywords and SEO, why they are important?
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we answer the question, Show notes and SEO, why they are important? I’m not going to pretend to be an expert on SEO. I do however understand keywords and their importance in your show notes and blog posts. Create great show notes that give an overview...
Podcast Seminar: Marketing your podcast.
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we discuss, Marketing your podcast. Getting your podcast out into the ears of your listeners is the next necessary step. There are a couple of initial steps you must take. After you have produced your first show and posted it, submit your podcast to iTunes. If...
Podcast Seminar: Creating your podcast with a blog.
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we discuss, Creating your podcast with a blog. Blogging and podcasting go hand in hand. Both are distributed by RSS feed. A podcast feed is differentiated by the use of the enclosure tag to add the podcast content to the feed. Because of this similarity, one...
Podcast Seminar: Should your podcast be daily, weekly, monthly?
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we answer the question, Should your podcast be daily, weekly, monthly? How often do you want to do your podcast? Do you have content to share with listeners every day? Podcast daily. Can you roll up that content and make it a weekly show? Podcast weekly....
Podcast Seminar: What equipment/software do you need?
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week, What equipment/software do you need? I’m not going to go into all the different types of microphones, mixers, software programs, etc. Search for each of those items here on the blog and you’ll find a bunch of links to great podcasting gear and software. So…my first...
Podcast Seminar: What type of podcast should you produce?
This post continues the Podcast Seminar series. This week we answer the question, What type of podcast should you produce? In general, there are two types of podcast you can produce, audio and video. First let’s discuss audio. In audio there are basic podcasts and “enhanced” podcasts. Basic podcasts are most times encoded with the...